Sunday, 9 January 2011

Setting up IMAP for Yahoo Mail

Internet IconDid you know you can access your Yahoo Mail via IMAP? Well you can. You just need to know the mail server names. With this information, mail programs like Thunderbird, Outlook, or Mac Mail can be used to read and manage your Yahoo mail account. Here are the details.

IMAP Server:

Port: 993

SMTP Server:

Port: 465

Both servers use the default ports for SSL. So when configuring the mail client, just select SSL as the encryption method and the ports values will default to the above. When asked for a user name, use your Yahoo mail address, e.g., Use your regular password to log in.

That's it. Just fill in the information when asked and you can read mail, manage folders, and do anything you normally would using with e-mail.

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