I couldn't agree more. Chrome can do all those updates because they take place in the background and seldom make any changes to the UI. By contrast, Firefox constantly asks you to approve the updates and the changes too often include major changes to the UI.
This is a particular pet peeve of mine. Of course software needs updated, but often these updates occur too frequently. Mac OS X, gets updates too often. Just when I get to the point where I start to enjoy a version, I HAVE to upgrade again.
The latest Ubuntu UI update is really irritating. It is not that the new Unity Heads Up Display (HUD) is bad. I just really liked the old version of the UI. Why are you forcing me to switch when I don't want to?
To me a 3 to 5 year cycle on operating system UI updates make a lot more sense, than yearly or even bi-yearly cycles. Plus, can't someone come up with a way so I can keep some of the features I like? That would be truly awesome.
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