Monday 3 May 2010

The SpiritJB Release

SpiritJB has been released! Congratulations to @comex, chronic-dev, and all others that were involved. Hats off to you all!

If you're looking for Umbrella the link is on your right.

I wanted to update Umbrella & TinyTSS but with the Spirit Storm I couldn't, in good conscience, update with the risk of breaking the app. The last thing I wanted was to leave thousands of people stranded. So far almost 120k downloads have been registered for fw-umbrella. Wow.

Ok so for the next couple weeks I'm going to be working on a major rewrite of the app. It's been a long time since I've written anything in C from the ground up so bear with me. v222 of fw-umbrella is stable and should keep us all holding onto our local shsh files until 4.0 os ships. I want to have the rewrite finished before 4.0 is out the door.

It's looking like 4.0 is going to ship around the release of the new iphone along with a fairly major iTunes release. This iTunes release will have code that will read a new key in the shsh responses. This key will be verified in iTunes itself to determine if the shsh can/should be used. The importance of this is that iTunes currently does very little checking of the shsh that is returned by the TSS server (apple, saurik, or tinytss). This 'feature' will allow apple to stop us from restoring our idevices to 'disallowed' os versions. What's worse is that their intent is to put this new-key reading code in the bootrom of the new iphone coming out this summer. This will enable them to stop restores on the device (above and beyond the current shsh check).

Beating this system will take a lot of work and patience. I hope to [re]write firmware umbrella in such a way that I don't have to rewrite it again after 4.0 comes out.

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